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Game Name : Space Bar
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:51:47
Views : 22447

Walkthrough :
This is by no means intended as a sequential walkthrough, but as a reference for when you get hopelessly stuck. Normally, I'd wait till I completed the game before posting this, but I've not seen any hints around and thought this would help answer some questions until I can work up a full version. These hints are divided into sections for Emp/Tel flaskbacks, followed by a section on the Bar area itself.

Note - time spent in the Bar is critical (Flashbacks are more forgiving). You
should keep a saved game with very few wasted moves which you can restore when
you've poked around.

Emp/Tel Flashbacks: These are achieved by GREETing a character, then CHATting
with them until a flashback is triggered. Not every character in the Bar will
trigger a flashback. Once you're in a flashback scene, check your log for

FLEEBIX & THUD: (at the bar)

First chat with Thud. Once the flashback is triggered, all you must do is pick
up the cup and go outside. If you hang around, you'll hear Fleebix tell you to
do just that. (Relax, they get harder.)

Chat with Fleebix. Read the audition notice. Click on the door to your house
to call to Thud and order him (?) to "take the cup." Then tell him to "come
outside". Look in the cup, and Thud will remove the bus token for you. Wait
for the bus then click the token on Thud and ORDER him to "board the bus".
Wait for the next bus and he'll carry you aboard bound for Glom Hole.

Order Thud to "open the mailbox" (use the Thud shortcut bottom-right), then to
"get the letter" and "open the letter". Read the letter, order thud to "take
the mailing label" and read it. By now you should have been buzzed and seen an
explosion. Head towards it. Zoom in with the magnifying glass and order Thud
to "take the nav dial". Exit the close-up and read the box. Examine the 'to'
and 'from' addresses. Pick up the mailing label and click on Thud (again,
bottom-right) with it. Order him to "lick the label," then to "paste the label
on the box". (Surprise, another fouled effort.) Exit the close-up and have
Thud "take the box." Head back to the mailbox and have Thud "drop the box".
Enter the box and wait to be transported. (Now's a good time to examine your
inventory, like your newly-aquired nav dial, if you wish.)

Once you're in the truck, exit the box. It's important you hang around here
long enough to overhear the destination code for the Quantelope Lodge. While
you're waiting, examine and read the small box, then have Thud take it, open
it, and get the crystal from it. After you've heard that the destination code
is 42, enter the box and wait to be delivered.

When they leave to get their nav dial, quickly exit the box, have Thud drop the
nav dial, then re-enter the box. Wait for them to come back and leave again to
get goggles. Exit the box, zoom in on the scooter control panel, have Thud set
the nav dial to 42, (He'll screw up this one too - don't panic) then re-enter
the box. Wait to be delivered to the Quantelope Lodge.

When things quiet down, exit the box. Order Thud to climb the clock tower, then
to come back down. He'll tell you what he saw. Order him to climb the tower,
then to press the yellow button, then to come back down. Read the status
report - looks like a crystal is broken (the one with an "X"). Order Thud to
climb the tower, then to press the red button, then to pull the lever. He'll
return with all the crystals. Have him climb the tower again. Counting from
the top on the status report and going clockwise, number the crystals 1-5. Have
Thud replace the crystals (by putting a crystal - starting with Crystal 1 - in
the slot, then turning the knob, then putting the next crystal in the slot,
etc.), but when you get to the damaged one, use the crystal from the small box
instead. Have Thud pull the lever when you're done. If you wish, you can press
the yellow button for another status report to see if you've replaced the
broken crystal - all the positions should now read "o". Have Thud press the
green button, then the blue button and the clock will reset. Have Thud come
down and knock on the Lodge door.

The shipping simulator was pretty easy, but it may be randomized. Just try to
ditch heavy cargo early and try to take advantage of the low numbers for fuel
usage. If the tests aren't randomized (I don't think they are), and if anyone
has problems with these, I'll include a moves list in the next version of this
walkthrough. After three of these, you'll learn you are to report to Fringel
II. See the Bar section for what you can do with this info. End of flashback.

SOLDIER 714-Z-367: (bartender)

Remember, scroll lock will toggle the compound eye graphics. Toggling this off
will make it easier.

Roll the egg to the Mess Hall, then follow it there. It's wedged in a doorway,
so go to the food preparation area through the door to the right. From here,
exit through the other door, take the pike, go through the rounded door, and
push the egg. Enter the mess hall, and go straight through back to the great
hall. Pry the lift doors with the pike and enter them. Take the outdoor
access card from the floor. Enter the mine tunnel on the left and continue up
the tunnel until you get to the mine cart unloading area. Examine the control
panel - these buttons control the security doors - three can be depressed at
once. depress the black button - this one must be depressed. I chose green
and yellow as the other two for now in order to make the mine maze less
frustrating. (I haven't mapped the maze yet, so the exact moves will be in the
next version of this file.)

Head through the newly-opened black door into the mine maze. There are two
objects to find in here: a hairball and a ventilation access card. I don't
know if their locations are randomized. (My hairball, for example, was through
the first green door - the next black door led back to the battlestation.)
After you get the hairball, you can return to the mine cart unloading area,
disable the yellow button and select the "down" button to open the chutes. I
found the ventilation card at the bottom of the first chute. Head back to the
mess hall - if you come out of the maze near the mine cart unloading area, you
can bypass the maze by using the outdoor access card in the card reader next to
the closed gate.

Head through the right door to the swimming area. Take the plunger, and throw
the hairball into the water. Wait a couple ticks for the water to flood through
the air duct. (If you look at your map, you'll see where it will come out.)
Return to the mess hall and roll the egg to the food preparation area. Go to
the battle station and use your outdoor access card in the card reader next to
the gate. Enter the lookout. Aim the spear cannon right, so it's pointing at
the middle of the river. If you like, you can fire it and reel it in to get a
fish. Pick up the spear from the cannon, then mount the plunger on the cannon.
Head to the food preparation area.

Zoom in on the ventilation duct, then slide your ventilation access card through
the card reader. Open the grate and exit the close-up. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE!
Roll the egg into the river and quickly enter the ventilation shaft. You'll
emerge on the bridge - quickly fire the cannon (with the plunger loaded) and
you should hit the egg. If not, restore. Reel it in, open the gate to the
unloading area, and roll it that way. Follow. Again, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE! The
map is useful here for keeping tabs on the egg's location. The idea is to push
the egg, then rush through the maze to beat it to the shuttle area. Make sure
the "down" button is pressed, then push the egg. I hate mazes, so upon
entering, I went green, down, black, ran along the tunnel (ahead of the egg
now) to the last door on the right, then green, black into the shuttle area.
I'm sure there's a better way to do that, but if you're quick, this should work.
Quickly roll the egg to the shuttle. You'll learn the combination to Soldier's
brooch. End of Flashback.

SEEDROT: (Vedj at a table close to the band)

Read through your log to discover that you need to drop a fruit and why.

The first order of business is to turn on the TV. You'll have to sit through a
lot of this! You're listening for four phone numbers - three commercials: for
Nitrogen Fixation Attractor, for photography modelling, and for a free day of
beauty. The last number is for "Dr. Root's" call-in show. Feel free to poke
around while listening to the TV. Channel 1 is the most useful, while channel
3 is the least. Once you have the day of beauty number (leaf-flower-flower-
fruit), you can call it to get rid of your mom (she'll leave soon after you
call). Also, once you have Dr. Root's number, turn off the TV and call
(flower-flower-fruit-fruit) - turn the TV back on after you've called if you
don't have all the numbers yet. When a channel starts to repeat, change
channels. (I got the day of beauty number and Dr. Root's number from channel
1, photography on channel 2 (mushroom, root, pine cone, mushroom.), and NFA on
channel 4 (mushroom, seed, seed, seed).

Meanwhile, pick up the collar at your feet (uh, roots) and put it on the
sheeplant. Poke around or wait till your mom leaves (sorry), then stash the
spoon, and look under the table for a key. Unlock the desk with the key, open
the drawer, and stash the book (you learned from Dr. Root to fantasize about a
picture to drop a fruit). Open the book and leaf (sorry) through it till you
find a picture you like - I thought page 5 was appropriate - then "mark
page and close".

Zoom in on the control panel. Move retractor 3 to the zero position to get rid
of the sheeplant (did you notice the 3 on the collar?) If you've tried to
bloom one of your buds, you've found that it's not getting enough light or
water to bloom. So, we'll move all the lights to maximum (far right). Now,
for the water. Look at your map (and zoom it). See that water main just under
your roots? OK, zoom in on the control panel again and set the ground
temperature to one notch above zero. Wait till you get a warning about
frostbite, then wait some more. Listen for the sound of the water main
breaking, then set the ground and air temperature to max (100).

If you've got the photography number, call it. When he shows up, just do as he
asks. While he's there, put the spoon in his camera bag. (If you examined the
bee or asked the photographer about it, you'll know it's a homing bee. It will
follow him when he leaves and return laden with his pollen. Kinky!) So, just
rustle your leaves (pan up and click on one), then raise them, then stroke a

Once you've made some gallons by modelling, call the NFA number to order some.
When it arrives, examine and read it if you like, then pour it on you (using
the portrait lower-left).

By now you should have gotten a message saying your roots are now toasy warm and
another saying it's getting nice and swampy in here. Click on bud 3 (left of
the roof support) and select "bloom." Wait for the bee to show up over the
pink plant, then dim the right bank (the light over the pink plant). The
pollen-laden bee should be attracted to your flower. You've been pollenated!
(and you'll grow a fruit.) Now just fantasize about the book to drop your
fruit. You'll learn which page Seedrot prefers - the one you chose. See the
Bar section for details on how to use this info. End of flashback.

CLICK: (the Auditon in the balcony over the casino)

You begin with a note telling you the alarm code - make note of it (4650).
Check your log and read your email. Most important is the cerebomb recipe.
Auditons "see" with sound, so click on the clock and set the alarm. While it's
ringing, you should be able to see the objects on the table. Take the jelly
jar and the Doz tablet. Click on the waterfall and select "reach hand into".
Enter the waterfall.

Pick up the basket with rope, and drop it through the west window (you'll hear a
splash). Pull up the basket and remove the eel from it. Put the jelly jar in
the basket, pick up the basket, and drop it through the east window (you'll
hear licking). Pull up the basket, remove the jar (which now contains
Slathercat saliva), and stash the jar.

Zoom in on the right side of the table to see insects and the jars they escaped
from. Stash the insects (though you don't really need the dragonfly.) Exit
the close-up and click the center of the table to examine the drug processor.
Save here, just in case. You can find out which insect is which by putting it
in the processor then pressing the green button, but you'll have to restore.
The red button flushes the contents of the processor. OK, put the sprig of
flutterweed, the butterfly (crackle snap pop), the eel, and the saliva from the
jar into the processor. Click on the mantis (crunch crunch) and select "pull
leg off" (I just love these wholesome games!) Put five mantis legs in the
processor, as per the recipe. Press the green analyze button and you should
automatically stash the cerebomb. Head back through the waterfall.

Examine your remote controller and enter the alarm deactivation code (4650).
Exit the safehouse. Answer the phone by zooming on it and clicking "talk".
Exit whenever you're ready. The map is helpful here. Head East, north, north,
west, SW. Pick up the lunch pail and put the cerebomb in it. Head NE, E, E,
and reach your tail into the flashing knothole to get a phone token. Head S,
W, S, W then examine your remote and enter the alarm code before proceeding W
into the safehouse. Save your game.

Wait for the alarm to reactivate (that's the buzz you hear), then exit the
safehouse without entering the code - that should get the cop's attention. The
idea here is to avoid the cop and get to the platform he was originally on.
So, quickly go E, N, E. When the cop is on the platform immediately to your
west, go N, NE, then E. That'll piss him off. (You can call him on the pay
phone and taunt him if you wish - just club the phone to get your token back.)

OK, enter the spaceport and read the notice on the wall - note the phone number
for the head queep trainer - this varies from game to game. Exit the close-up
and examine the locker with the green light over it. Click on the green light
and select "press tail to". The locker will open and you can stash the quiet
device. Put the lunchpail (containing the cerebomb) in the locker and exit the
close-up. Go back outside. Put the token in the payphone and call the Happy
Branches telemarketing number (it's in your log - 88300). At the menu, press 2
to sign up a 'friend' for this call, and enter the number for the queep trainer
you got from the notice. Enter the kennel. The trainer should be distracted
by the phone. Read the logbook and make note of the rotation schedule. Notice
which queeps are missing from the cages (they're currently on duty), select the
Doz tablet and choose "break". Work out the rotation schedule so you'll know
which food dishes to put the Doz into - or you can just save, wait till the
watch changes, and restore. (For example, A & E were on duty in my case, so I
put the Doz in bowls D & I) Anyway, after you've drugged the appropriate
bowls, head outside and wait a few ticks for the guards to rotate - you can re-
enter the kennel to see when this happens: the two cages that were originally
empty should be occupied, and two formerly-occupied cages should be empty. If
the empty cages aren't the ones you drugged, restore and try again.

Enter the spaceport. The queep guards should look suitably drugged. Zoom in on
the locker where you put your cerebomb and press your tail to the red light
above the door. Take the lunch pail, turn on the quiet device and put it in
the pail (along with the cerebomb). Hold your breath and walk through the
arch. You'll learn Click's lucky number - see the Bar section for details on
how to use this info. End of flashback.

BETTAKER: (aka "Dirtkicker" - Bibblebonk bonkier in the casino)

You can search the trashcan for an unusable chip if you like, and you could also
vacuum up the remnants of your shattered memory chip. We've got to get this
graffiti off your face! Head to the barber shop, where you'll find another
useless chip. Sit in the barber's chair, greet the barber, then order him to
give you a facial. (Oh, go ahead, get a manicure and a scraping while you're
at it - looks like you had a rough night.) Exit the barber shop and you should
soon meet Veeblecoach, who will transport you to the stadium.

Turn on your radio receiver by clicking on your portrait to the lower-left.
Wear the colorful cloth strips, the steel-tipped booties, and the leg pads.
Stash everything else. (If you're a veteran adventure game player, that is.
The club is the only other item that will prove useful.) Wait until the radio
announces you (Dirtkicker), then pick up your club and head out onto the field
(with club in hand) for your ovation, then return. If you are improperly
equipped, the announcer will let you know. In the meantime, you can amuse
yourself by reading the rulebook and poking around.

Hang around listening to the events until the "arguing with the referee" event
comes up. The visitors go first, so pay attention to what he does. When he's
done, go up the steps onto the field. Zoom in on the ref. Argue with him
twice. Curse him twice. Kick dirt onto him twice. Bump him twice. Hit him
twice. Hit him with your club twice. You should win the match and be spirited
away to the President's talk show.

As soon as you can, pick up the black chip from the floor and install it by
clicking it on your icon and selecting "put in". Pay attention to the PIN
number, then chat with the President. You've learned Bettaker's PIN - see the
bar section on how to use it. End of flashback.

CILIA: (Triseck singer in the band - you'll have to catch her on break, I
caught her around 19:28)

Check your log - it says to use the QWERTY code in R mode to decode the tips
there. If you want the hints, you've got to do it manually. Look down at your
keyboard (Really, YOUR keyboard), and shift each letter one space to the left.
You should get something like:

1. Override lock controls to pass inspection station 2. Use a barge train to
block police boat 3. Grentilbeasts love Babaloo meat

Spin around and stash the drill from the wall, then exit the house. Open the
locker and stash the gas can. Soon your other mate will arrive. When he does,
board the rowboat and untie it. Click on the barge, tie the rope to it, then
board the barge. Wait until you get to the lock - you'll see signs telling you
when you're near. At the lock, exit the barge.

Zoom in on the police boat, and take the motor. Put the motor on your rowboat,
then fill it with gas from the gas can. Enter the control tower and read the
notes posted about. Examine the control panel. The top number is the river
level downstream, the middle number is the river level in the lock, and the
bottom number is the river level upstream (where you came from). Enter the
code you found nearby (617), and raise the lever. Wait for the middle number to
equal the top number, then lower the lever. Press the top button, and your
barge should enter the lock. Now raise the lever and wait for it to max out at
10 - the lever will automatically return to the center position. Exit the
close-up and press the emergency override button to your left. Quickly exit
the tower towards the police boat, and you should be back on the barge. Wait
for the surge of water to whisk you past the inspection station.

Wait for the current to carry you past two more signs, then board the rowboat,
untie it, turn on the motor, and steer it. (Barman offers to steer for you,
how sweet.) Head to starboard - away from the barge toward the tower. Turn
off the motor to save gas, then tie the boat to the dock. Exit the rowboat and
head for the tower. Save here. Examine the control panel. You need to ride
that single barge while using the barge train to block the police boat. The
rocker switches turn on and off the artificial current, and the levers
determine its direction. Try this:

Turn on the middle switch and reverse its direction. Reverse the direction of
the bottom current by flipping the bottom lever. Wait. Turn on the top
current by flipping the top switch. Wait twice. Turn off the top and bottom
currents. Reverse the direction of the middle current by flipping the middle
lever. Wait. The barge train should be blocking the middle channel, and the
single barge should be at the far left of the lower channel. Turn off the
middle current, and turn on the lower current. Reverse the lower current so
that it points right. Exit the tower, board the rowboat, untie it, turn on
the motor, and dock with the barge (click on the barge, tie the rope to it, and
turn off the motor). This rowboat is going to blow your cover, so pick up the
drill and drill it. You'll automatically board the barge as the rowboat sinks
- just wait until you reach the loading dock, then exit the barge.

If you like, you can examine and read the Shangri-La II brochure on the floor.
Examine the crates. Given the choice, you know you want to choose the
grentilbeast's crate - it's the only one that sounds dangerous, and it's bound
for Armpit VI. Remember the clue in your log... Pick up the sandwich from
your inventory, and hold it up to the airholes. Next, throw it into the water,
and press the button which opens the crate. The Grentilbeast should follow the
scent into the water. Get in the crate and wait. (Pay attention to what the
soldier says as he reads the letter) You've learned Cilia's contact - see the
Bar section for how this helps. End of flashback.

DEVIN - 7: (Sraffan who arrives around 19:40. Can be found in the raised
booths just outside the casino)

Time is critical in this flashback - save as soon as you trigger it. Zoom in on
the computer console, then sit at it. Read the bios, email, deal status, etc,
then restore your game. There's probably a better way to do this - I'll work
on it for the next version, but this should work. Right; send Lentil to deal
with the Environmentalists, and the rest to deal with the politicians. Exit
the close-up and head up the stairs.

Click on Irk, greet her and chat with her about her terms. Head back to the
computer console after she's said she's downloaded her terms to you. Check on
negotiations. You can click on the "current time" line to advance the clock.
When Lentil is free, if her negotiations with the environmentalists were
successful, dispatch her to meet with Yeef-8. Your other team should be able
to talk down the politicians. When they do, send Zig and Norg to Dork. Send
the rest (including Lentil, who should be done around now) to Swonza-5. Exit
the computer screen and head down the back hall.

Knock on the bathroom door to talk to Quosh. Be nice - validate his neuroses,
tell an anecdote, then head back to the computer console.

I bet there's a better way to do this, but I talked down the politicians,
environmentalists and Yeef, got Swonza-5 on-board, and talked up Dork and Gild.
Then selected Dippik, Vebbil, Gild, Dork, Rawley, Jella, and the Mineral Mart
for Rg. Just barely broke even. Still, it was enough to successfully complete
the deal and learn Devin's secret password. Back at the bar, bet him that you
can guess it and you'll win a high frequency jammer. See bar section for what
to do with this. End of flashback.


While still in the entry area at the beginning, examine the terminal (come back
around 18:90) and turn on your Voice Printer.

After you complete Soldier's flashback, search the DrinkVendor 2000 (behind
him), then click on the brown bump upper-left. Open it with Soldier's brooch
combination (in your clue list), and stash the key.

In the kitchen is an energy detector, and you can tear off a piece of tin foil.
If you open the energy detector, you'll discover a rag that's being used to
silence it. Press the history button to download its records. (Those energy
spikes relate to the Shifter.) Zoom in on the megawave, open it, put the tin
foil into it, and close it. set the timer, then press the button - that'll
ditch the cook for a few ticks. Unlock the store room door with the key you got
from Soldier's brooch. Enter the store room and stash the nose plugs.

When you get a message from HQ telling you to consult a computer terminal on the
Kur'pupu, go back to where you started - around 18:90 the terminal should be
fixed. While you're here, snag a battery for your residue printer from the
advertising sign. Once you've read about the Kur'pupu and completed Fleebix's
flashback, go chat with him and propose a deal - he'll trade you the frequency
for his destination. Set the jammer you get from Devin-7 to the number Fleebix
gives you and you should be immune to the shapeshifter's neural scan.

You'll need to find an antidote to the poison dart that's headed your way.
Complete the Click and Seedrot flashbacks, and discover the body in the kelp
trap in the Lily Pad (after 19:50) . Search the body to recover a microdart.
Don't hang around! Go to Click's locker (second from left) and enter his lucky
number as the combination (2569). Take the cerebomb (residue print it if you
like), go see Click and ask him about the microdart. Chat with him, but refuse
to show him the cerebomb - tell him his combination instead. A deal will be
reached - an antidote for his stash. Give Click the cerebomb and he'll tell you
to get a Vedj fruit and how long to megawave it. To get a fruit, snag the
plastic fruit from the table near the restrooms, then return to Seedrot. Open
her book, turn to the page you selected before (check your log under "clues" if
you don't remember), and order her to look at the book. When she drops her
fruit, replace it with the plastic fruit, then head for the kitchen (also near
the restrooms). Megawave the fruit for the duration Click gave you, then eat the
fruit. You'll be immune to that nasty little dart. Now you can discover the
repairman's corpe in the Steamy Parlor off the back corridor.

Around 20:00, you'll lose your voice printer, residue printer, and energy
detector due to infrared jamming. When you have the nose plugs, go to the bar
and zoom in on the DrinkMaster 2000. According to the computer terminal, Oy-
Vee-Ai prefer drinks that contain mercury. Turn on the DrinkMaster, select
"list all ingredients", select mercury, select "What drinks are made with
this?", and order one of those drinks (My choice was Full Metal Jacket). Then
head for the Moist Grotto (off the back corridor) and wear the nose plugs.
Enter the water and notice the Oy-Vee-Ai. Exit and put the drink on the floor
grating - It should surface and drink it. Enter the water and notice the
infrared jammer.

In the kitchen, you can hide behind the spice rack to overhear Borksh and
Paksha. In the balcony over the casino, you can hide behind the vending
machine to overhear the Blobsters.

You can zoom in on the screen in Bettaker's chest - enter his PIN and read the
information there - note the Recording Station access code. If you change the
Bibblebonk odds, make sure it's worth it. After you win big, you can hold
your credit chip up to the monitor in the catwalk over the casino to get a
meeting with Gorb. Unplug his stimulant sprayer, and use the Recording Station
Access code (from Bettaker) to open his video cabinet. Click on the vid disk
and select "put in", then hit the rewind button. Hit Play, thrn fast-forward to
cycle through the cameras.

In exchange for her contact's name, Cilia will agree to help you keep an eye
out for suspicious characters in the Bar. Later she'll give you a vid disc she
found in the bathroom - you can use the recording station to view it. That
looks like she shifter shifting into a Napthaleen...

This is about as far as I've prodeeded. I hope this will help a bit.

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